GIGABYTE has always been committed to the principle of “Upgrade Your Life”. “Honesty and Practicality” defines our core values and we hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards. We reject corruption and bribery, obey the law and uphold the ideal of “Concerns about Society and Fulfilling Obligations” in our business activities in order to fulfill our corporate social responsibility. The Sustainability Report is GIGABYTEʼs way of reporting our economic, environmental, and social strategies and activities to all stakeholders. By continuing to combine these with our core values and competitiveness, we shall incorporate sustainable development into our business strategy and operations in the pursuit of creating sustainable development and a sustainable planet.
2023 GIGABYTE Sustainability Report
The 2023 GIGABYTE Sustainability Report was compiled in accordance with the GRI Standards (2021) and AA1000 Assurance Standard (AA1000AS v3) Type I moderate Level to ensure information disclosure and reliability. Click here to download the independent assurance opinion statement.
GIGABYTE Sustainability Reports List
- Home
- Innovation Management
- The Guanxi Blue Zone
- The Ocean is Our Home
- From the Chairman
- Commitment to CSR
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Material Topics
- SDGs
- Corporate Organization
- Code of Conduct
- Information Security & Privacy
- Risk Management
- Supply Chain Management
- Tetralogy of Supply Chain Engagement
- Conflict Mineral
- Environmental Management Policy
- Climate Action
- Eco-friendly Product
- Extended Product Responsibility
- Circular Economy
- Green Action
- Sustainability/Environmental Education
- Green Activities
- Working Holiday
- Corporate Volunteering
- Go Green Taiwan
- Make Earth Green Again
- Tree Map
- Overview/Core Concept
- Rooftop Farm
- Ecology Photo Competition
- Sustainability-related Certification
- Human Resource Structure
- Talent Management
- Human Rights Management
- Talent Cultivation and Development
- Occupational Safety
- Health Care
- Upgrade Your Life
- Social Inclusion
- CSR Milestone
- Economic Aspect
- Environmental Aspect
- Social Aspect
- CSR Report