Sustainability Fund: Unlock the Infinite Potentials of Reduction
GIGABYTE launched the 6-year “Sustainability Fund” in 2019. Funded by annual savings in energy expenses, the fund focuses on three aspects: energy conservation in factories, development of low-carbon product and reduction proposals, and green projects related to sustainable development and climate change. It aims to push ahead innovative reduction solutions for factories, operations, product strategies, and sustainability strategies through increasing the motivation and incentives and in the meantime cultivate the internal capability of green design in order to realize reductions at a company level.
Proposals and Reduction Performance
Among the latest proposals submitted in the first half of 2024, some sought to reduce emissions by adopting low-carbon materials, recycling and reusing packaging, etc. In some other proposals, reductions have also been achieved by optimizing processes, which improved product quality and prevented ergonomic hazards for employees at the same time. A majority of the awarded proposals have technical feasibility, are in line with current and future trends, and have potential contributions to diverse aspects such as employee health and sustainability.
Number of Proposals |
Electricity Savings
(MWh) |
Water Savings
(MT) |
Waste Reduction
(MT) |
Emissions Reduction (t-CO2e) |
2019 | 11 | 52.0 | 12,331.6 | 58.7 | 61.6 |
2020 | 48 | 2,715.8 | 948.0 | 275.6 | 3,455.8 |
2021 | 103 | 1,223.1 | 15,342.6 | 33.0 | 956.1 |
2022 | 83 | 2,219.5 | 0 | 72.9 | 1,328.4 |
2023 | 81 | 1,648.7 | 4,034.6 | 52.7 | 1,412.2 |
1st Half of 2024 | 22 | 248.6 | 0 | 147.6 | 307.9 |
Total to Date | 348 | 8,107.7 | 32,656.8 | 640.5 | 7,522.0 |
Note 1:Figures in the table above are estimated based on proposals, not by actual measurement.
Sustainability Carnival – Starting New Life for Used Goods
GIGABYTE holds a second-hand market at our operation headquarters by the end of each year to promote the concept of zero waste and circular economy. The first time was held in 2019, and initially, it only opened to GIGABYTEʼs employees. Later since 2021, the second-hand market started to open to neighboring communities and invited local government and public interest groups to participate.
In 2023, GIGABYTE held the Carnival with the main themes “Material Circulation”, “Friendly Community”, and “Caring for Public Welfare”. Employees and nearby communities were invited to donate brand-new or used materials, which were then prioritized for social welfare organizations in need. During the event, participants could receive free supplies or even set up their own market stalls to distribute second-hand items. Additionally, we invited the New Taipei City Fire Department, social enterprises related to the circular economy, and other social welfare organizations to promote disaster prevention, plastic reduction, and care for the disadvantaged.
Protect our Oceans – Plastic Reduction Poster Design Competition
GIGABYTE knows that while plastic products are very convenient, they also have a massive environmental impact. To increase the influence of the “Protect our Oceans – Plastic Reduction” initiative, we not only held celebrity seminars to promote the importance of plastic reduction internally but also sought to mobilize the general public in reducing the use of plastics from the source. Every little bit counts.
To this end, GIGABYTE partnered with the Taiwan Environmental Information Association for the first time in 2016 to host the “Protect our Oceans – Plastic Reduction Poster Design Competition” and promoted the importance of reducing plastic use to save the ocean. The design competition will hopefully give contestants a better understanding of the importance of plastics reduction. GIGABYTE can then join the environment and society in fighting for environmental sustainability.
A total of 830 submissions were received during this event. The gold, silver, 2 x bronze, and 10 x merit awards were also expanded to include 30 x finalist awards as a gesture of encouragement to designers. This also gave more submissions a chance to show off their sustainability idea, originality, and ingenuity.

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- Go Green Taiwan
- Make Earth Green Again
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