Sustainability Achievements of the Year

GIGABYTE sets up a long-term goal for achieving sustainability. In each year, through multi-facedly innovative implementations, we keep moving forward to the sustainable development goal and hope to create a better future jointly with our value chain partners.

Strengthening of Sustainability Governance

Corporate sustainability is founded upon a solid governance organization and robust risk control.

GIGABYTE establishes the Nomination Committee to strengthen the competency of the Board of Directors; the Information Security Committee headed by the Group President as well as a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) are also established to devise the information security policy and management framework as well as preside over information security management, planning, supervision, and execution. In 2024, the Companyʼs board of directors comprises 11 members, including 6 directors and 5 independent directors, including 2 female independent directors. In total, 46% of the board of directors are independent, with 18% being female.

Commit to 50% Emissions Reduction by 2025

GIGABYTE advanced the target year of reducing 50% of emissions five years ahead, from 2030 to 2025, to show determination to climate change mitigation.

We regularly inventory greenhouse gas emissions to detect hot spots for emission reduction. Each operation base continuously introduces multiple energy-saving plans and launch sustainability fund, plant trees, as well as protect the ocean and marine. As of 2023, we have cut 43.95% of emissions from the level in 2009. Additionally, GIGABYTE released its first independent TCFD Report this year to meet stakeholders’ requirements and comply with local and international sustainability disclosure standards.

Learn more about our climate actions >
Learn more about Begin with the heart – Green Action Plan >
Learn more about Make Earth Green Again >
Learn more about green activities through multiple channels >

Endeavor to Build Up a Health and Happy Workplace

GIGABYTE provides friendly and safe working environment. With ”early prevention, proper treatment” as our goal, we care about the physical and mental well-being of all employees. For the year 2023, we continued to implement graded employee health management, Employee Assistance Programs, hold multiple health promotion forums and activities, and organize GIGABYTE Happiness Stations and Family-Friendly Enterprise Alliances.

Learn more about the Employee Healthcare Management Plan of GIGABYTE>
Build up a safe and healthy workplace >

Reinforcement of Sustainability Partnership

GIGABYTE delivers its sustainability concepts through various channels, from fundamental sustainability evaluation, joint beach cleaning, to supplier conferences. Since 2021, a new tiered supplier management system integrated with ESG assessment has been implemented to ensure sustainable procurement.

The “Intelligent Circular and Low-Carbon Supply Chain Management Project” was launched in 2023 focusing on four key axes: build a low-carbon production environment, develop high-value and low-carbon production technology, introduce low-carbon circulation technology, and build a sustainable supply carbon management platform. By choosing some suppliers of emission-intensive components for mentoring on GHG inventory, target setting, and reduction strategy, GIGABYTE hopes to strengthen small suppliers′ carbon management capabilities.

Learn more about the supply chain management policy of GIGABYTE>
Learn more about the foundation of GIGABYTE sustainable value chain>

Download the Newest Sustainability Report

Honors and Awards

Selected for Inclusion in ESG-related Index

FTSE4Good TIP Taiwan ESG Index

TWSE RAFI® Taiwan High Compensation 100 Index

TIP Customized Taiwan ESG Low Carbon High Dividend 40 Index

GVM Role Model Award of Electronics and Technology Industry

2024 20th GVM CSR and ESG Award – ESG Performance Role Model Award of Electronics and Technology Industry

Recognized by the Authoritative International Finance Magazine Institutional Investor

Among the 2023 All-Asia Executive Team, ranked No. 1 for Best Investor Relations Program, Best Investor Relations Team, Best ESG, Best Board, and Best Investor Relations Professional

Recognized for Sustainability Performance

Subsidiary Bestyield International won the 3rd prize in the Sustainability Group of 2023 Longterm Smile Competition

Subsidiary Giga Computing received the SGS Green Mark Award of Hazardous Substances Assessed Category.

Happy Enterprise and A Friendly Workplace

Silver Award in the ICT Group of 2023 Vote for Happy Enterprise by 1111 Job Bank

2023 Benchmark Enterprise in Gender Mainstreaming by IDA

Sports Exercise Enterprise Certification for the fourth time

Arts promotion

GIGABYTE Education Foundation won the Bronze Award of the 2023 16th Wenxin Award by MOC

Video Channel

An Overview of 2024 Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices

An Overview of 2023 Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices

An Overview of 2022 Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices
