Occupational Safety and Health Management Plan

GIGABYTE Headquarters, Taoyuan Nanping Factory as well as the Dongguan and Ningbo Factories in China have all obtained ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety System certification. The scope of management includes employees, on-site contractors, visitors, and any personnel near the workplace that may affect organizational activities. Please visit Quality and Environment Management Certification to review the certificates.

A permanent OHS contact point was established in each business group to ensure effective OHS management. The Occupational Health and Safety Committee was also set up, which is composed of the Group Operation Management Center, managers of business units, as well as labor representatives, whose the number account for more than one-third of the committee members. The OHS Committee is convened quarterly together with subsidiariesʼ OHS Committees to examine OHS management policy and matters, and to continue optimizing and managing the OHS risks at the company to ensure a safe and hygienic working environment for employees.

Composition of Occupational Health and Safety Committees

  Headquarters Nanping Factory Dongguan Factory Ningbo Factory
Number of Labor Representatives 6 11 12 9
Number of Registered Members 18 30 33 55
Labor Ratio 33.33% 36.67% 36.36% 16.36%


[Note] Dongguan Factory and Ningbo Factory are not regulated by the law in Taiwan.

At present, GIGABYTEʼs Occupational Safety and Health Management Plan can be subdivided into 16 items, including workplace hardware testing, operating standards setting, education, and training, health promotion, disaster response, etc. Each item is reviewed and audited every year.

For more details on the outcomes of occupational safety and health management measures, please refer to pp.61-63 of 2022 GIGABYTE CSR Report.

Occupational Safety and Health Risk Management

Comprehensive identification of occupational safety and health risks helps to detect potential hazard factors early, and annual management plans assist in controlling and eliminating the factors. GIGABYTE defines risk assessment processes, which are then periodically assessed by the OHS contact point in each business group. The assessments cover operational frequency, workflow, equipment and materials used, and operating environment. Risks are divided into 4 levels according to the assessing results. Further assessment of whether the Companyʼs current operating control procedures are sufficient to respond to the listed risks is then conducted. When necessary, a management process will be adjusted according to the identification results to prevent the occurrence of occupational accidents.

Process and Results of Occupational Safety and Health Risk Assessment

2023 Rating and Evaluation of Potential Risks at Headquarters, Taipei Silicon Valley Offices, and Three Manufacturing Factories

Risk Classification Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Number of Cases 611 101 10 513

[Note] Taipei Silicon Valley Office refers to GIGABYTE’s workspace, excluding those of its subsidiaries.

After risk identification, GIGABYTE first reviews the existing operation management process to confirm the integrity of the Companyʼs existing regulations and starts improvement of the discovered management gaps. We will continue to manage occupational safety and health risks through PDCA processes in order to provide employees with a safe and healthy working environment.

Occupational Injury and Disaster Statistics

There were 4 recordable occupational injuries at GIGABYTEʼs Nanping Factory and Ningbo Factory. Educational articles and personnel training were immediately instituted after the cases occurred. The design unit was also notified to engage in corrective action for the reason and electives.

[Note] The statistics exclude subsidiaries and injuries occurring in traffic and commuting.