Identification of Material Topics
The Sustainability Report serves as an important channel for GIGABYTE to communicate our sustainability management practices and performance to stakeholders. The materiality analysis process helps to identify the sustainability topics that should be disclosed in the Sustainability Report. A materiality analysis is conducted by GIGABYTE each year in accordance with the GRI Standards 2021. Sustainability topics are periodically updated based on international sustainability standards and trends, the Companyʼs business goals, as well as the material topics of benchmark enterprises and peers. Investigation of stakeholder concern on sustainability topics as well as analysis of how sustainability topics impact on operations and sustainable development are used to rank material topics for the year. The disclosure of related information is also prioritized in the Sustainability Report. The double materiality approach was adopted in 2023 to investigate and analyze the business impact of sustainability topics more closely, as well as the positive and negative impacts on the economy, environment, society, and human rights.
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In 2023, GIGABYTE made adjustments and deletions to the 27 sustainability topics from the previous year and reduced them down to 21. These included 7 topics in the governance/economic aspect, 8 topics in the environmental aspect, and 6 topics in the social aspect.
GIGABYTE Material Topics Matrix
Material Topics and Impact Boundaries
To help stakeholders understand the impacts of each material topic on the company, the overall value chains, the environment, and society, we elaborate a matrix table to present the direct impacts and indirect impacts each material topic may cause.“▲” means direct impacts indicating that the material topic has a direct impact on that boundary. “△” means indirect impacts indicating that the material topic has an indirect impact on that boundary, or is linked to that boundary for commercial reasons. Impacts were also broken down into categories “potentially positive ⊕”, “potentially negative Θ”, “actually positive ”, and “actually negative ”.
[Note] The “Society” encompasses stakeholders such as investors, media, government, communities/non-profit organizations/schools.
Material Topic Management and Outcomes
- Home
- Innovation Management
- The Guanxi Blue Zone
- The Ocean is Our Home
- From the Chairman
- Commitment to CSR
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Material Topics
- SDGs
- Corporate Organization
- Code of Conduct
- Information Security & Privacy
- Risk Management
- Supply Chain Management
- Tetralogy of Supply Chain Engagement
- Conflict Mineral
- Environmental Management Policy
- Climate Action
- Eco-friendly Product
- Extended Product Responsibility
- Circular Economy
- Green Action
- Sustainability/Environmental Education
- Green Activities
- Working Holiday
- Corporate Volunteering
- Go Green Taiwan
- Make Earth Green Again
- Tree Map
- Overview/Core Concept
- Rooftop Farm
- Ecology Photo Competition
- Sustainability-related Certification
- Human Resource Structure
- Talent Management
- Human Rights Management
- Talent Cultivation and Development
- Occupational Safety
- Health Care
- Upgrade Your Life
- Social Inclusion
- CSR Milestone
- Economic Aspect
- Environmental Aspect
- Social Aspect
- CSR Report