Quality Management Certification

GIGABYTE introduced ISO 9001 certification in 1998, and in 2005 was the first system brand manufacturer to receive IECQ QC 080000 certification. To reduce the use of environmentally hazardous substances and to provide products that are safe for consumers and comply with international regulations and customersʼ requirements, we developed a “GIGABYTE Harmful Chemical Substance Regulations (HCSR)” for all products and services the Company purchases. GIGABYTE is also certified according to IATF 16949 Automotive Quality Management System Standard for manufacturing automotive parts and equipment.

ISO 9001/ IECQ QC 080000 Quality Policy
  • We follow a policy of promoting total quality management for environmental protection and customer satisfaction.

Environment Management and OHS Policy

GIGABYTE has introduced ISO14001 certification since 1998 to ensure the Companyʼs operations and products comply with environmental standards and an effective environmental management system that aims at pollution prevention and clean production. Moreover, to cope with global climate change concerns, GIGABYTE has conducted ISO 14064 organizational greenhouse gas inventories since 2010. Initially, the reporting boundary included scope 1 and 2 emissions from the operation headquarters, Nanping Factory in Taoyuan, and Dongguan Factory and Ningbo Factory in China. However, since 2021, GIGABYTEʼs Taipei Silicon Valley offices, where subsidiaries Bestyield International, G-Style, and Selita Precision, as well as sub-subsidiary GIGAPIC, are located, and scope 3 emissions of the GIGABYTE group have been included in this boundary as a result of standards revisions and new regulations.

For occupational safety and health management that affect employees directly, GIGABYTE obtains verification for ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. Furthermore, we adopt a people-centric approach and exceed statutory requirements in developing multiple measures to protect and promote the health and safety of employees. Voluntary internal inspections and third-party verification are also adopted to develop more comprehensive management mechanisms and initiatives that better meet employee needs.

ISO 14001 / ISO 45001

Environmental Management and Occupational Health and Safety Policies
  • Enforce clean production, pollution prevention, and continuous improvement of environmental performance.
  • Environmental compliance and accountability for employee safety and health.
  • Encourage contractors to practice proper environmental protection, safety, and health.
  • Control safety and health risks; prevent injuries and unhealthy behaviors.
  • Voluntary GHG inventory and reduction; continue to conserve energy resources.
  • Take product life cycle into account in continuing to increase the ratio of reclamation and recycling; ensure the non-use of restricted environmental substances in products.
  • Communicate to all workers under the supervision of the company their individual responsibility on environmental safety and health.

GIGABYTE obtained PAS 2050 certification in 2010 for its MD-300 digital set-top box in order to inventory the environmental impacts throughout the productʼs lifecycle. This paved the way for the development of green products in the future. As global resources become increasingly scarce, GIGABYTE also introduced the ISO 14051 standard at its Nanping factory to examine the companyʼs environmental impact during production. With the result, we were able to reduce energy and material consumption while simultaneously creating economic benefits.

Security-related Policy

GIGABYTE has introduced the Safety Certified Quality Enterprise (AEO) standard since 2011, establishes a supply chain safety management system to ensure the safety and quality of goods in the supply chain, and actively complies with laws and regulations as well as meets the safety requirements from customs and customers.

For the purpose of continuously improving information security management, GIGABYTE introduced ISO/IEC 27001:2022 and CNS 27001:2023 information security management systems in 2023. For more details on information security policies, please refer to Information Security and Privacy Protection .

Third-party Verification of Sustainability Report

Third-party verification is performed on GIGABYTE Sustainability Reports to ensure the quality of sustainability data and information. The 2022 Sustainability Report was certified to meet the AA1000 Assurance Standard (AA1000AS v3) Type I Moderate Level.

Sustainability-related Certification  

Certification File
ISO 9001:2015 International Quality Management Certification
IECQ QC 080000:2017 RoHS Certificate of Conformity
IATF 16949:2016 Automotive Quality Management System
ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Certification
ISO 14064-1:2018 Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report
ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
PAS 2050:2008 Product Carbon Footprint
ISO 14051:2011 Material Flow Cost Accounting
Authorized Economic Operator (AEO)
ISO/IEC 27001:2022 & CNS 27001:2023 Information security management systems
Independent Assurance Opinion Statement for GIGABYTE 2022 Sustainability Report